How to make money selling old coins

how to make money selling old coins

Sell at auction. If you have rare coins, save them for auctions and private collectors, who will usually pay more money for high-value coins. Slow Down.

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Do you want to become a gold coin dealer? Do you want to make money buying and selling gold coins from home? If YES, here are 7 easy steps to buy and sell gold coins online for profit. If you have some spare cash, rather than leave it to lie fallow in your bank account, you can invest it into buying and selling of gold coins online. This is a very lucrative business, especially since gold coins have better liquidity than bars. Just like any other kind of investment, trading in gold coins requires research and education.

Why Sellers of Rare Coins Prefer to Sell to Heritage

how to make money selling old coins
Buyers melt the gold down, so they will not pay anything for the artisanship or style of the jewelry. Also, remember, some gold items are purer — and more valuable — than others are. Pure gold is considered 24 karat, or 24k. Think of it as a slice pie — each slice a single karat. Therefore, a necklace that has an ounce of 10k gold has less than half the gold of a necklace with an ounce of 24k gold. Armed with this knowledge, here are five ways you can sell your gold — each a compromise between price and convenience. The scoop: Seductive advertising and the lure of easy money have drawn in thousands of eager sellers.

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Do you want to become a gold coin dealer? Do you want to make money buying and selling gold coins from home? If YES, here are 7 easy steps to buy and sell gold coins online for profit. Oold you have some mobey cash, rather than leave it to lie fallow in your bank account, you can invest it into buying and selling of gold coins online. This is a very lucrative business, especially since gold coins have better liquidity than bars.

Just like any other kind of how to make money selling old coins, trading in gold coins requires research and education. In hw article, which is a brief guide, you will learn the basics of seoling coin trading; from the point of buying your gold to the point of selling.

So without wasting your time, the following are guidelines that you must follow before investing in gold coins:. Take your time to compare prices. If you are buying rare coins otherwise called numismastic coinstry to research the historical value of each coin to determine if it has been a solid long term investment.

Before buying any coin, consider the resale market. While rare coins are usually highly valued, you may find it very hard to sell. Because commissions are typically higher for pld coins, many coin dealers attempt to force them down the throat of industry newcomers.

Only buy numismatic coins if you have full understanding of what you are purchasing. Human nature is to buy when prices are going up and sell when prices are going. Ole remove emotion from your decisions, take a dollar cost averaging approach, as this will likely result in more successful outcomes in the long term. Connect with a local coin dealer in order to learn more about the gold coin market.

Aside being ready to answer your most provocative questions, coin dealers with whom you have established a relationship will provide you with discounted prices and early access to new inventory. They will also typically offer you a premium over their standard buying rates when the time comes to sell your mak.

Due to the current high prices of gold, producers of counterfeit gold coins have entered the market in large numbers with coins made of relatively worthless metals, selilng as copper and tungsten. To avoid the expensive mistake of buying counterfeit gold coins, start how to make money selling old coins researching the coin dealer you plan to buy gold coins.

Other tips to avoid this mistake are as follows:. Purchase a weighing scale that measures tenths, if not hundredths of a gram. Monye weights for all types of gold coins can be sellling online. Weigh any gold monet and compare its weight with the specified weight.

Any difference should raise your scam detector. A caliper measures the length, breadth, and thickness of an item. Calipers are more accurate than rulers and tape measures. Gold coins are produced in line with strict dimension specifications. Measure any gold coin you plan to buy, and compare its mske with the standard. Aside buying from individual dealers, there are other sources where you can buy high quality gold coins at cheap prices.

Examples include the following:. Sell your gold when the price is at all time high, when the demand is high, when the sentiment is generally bullish, and when you are sitting on a sizable profit. In conclusion, you must keep in mind that this article is not meant to give all the information you need to get started. Consult other online resources as well as experts in gold coin trading to learn more about the technicalities of the business before you take a plunge.

Toggle navigation Menu. Author Recent Posts. Ajaero Tony Martins is an Entrepreneur, Real Estate Developer and Mone with a passion for sharing his knowledge with budding entrepreneurs.

7 Easy Steps to Make Money Buying and Selling Gold Coins Online

The commission is reinvested into advertising and other marketing efforts in order to bring more attention to the auctions. Coins are historical artifacts and collectors like them natural. We regret that we cannot answer inquiries regarding values on sportscards produced from to the present. Mojey Loading Social media is an extremely powerful resource! It depends a lot on the condition, of course. Another option is to go to your local bookstore and order the The Official Red Book coons, which is an official and very detailed guide of coin values. It also received 14 testimonials from readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Thank you for informing me not to rush to sell my coin. Before you can mxke a coin, you need to know what coin you. Finally, you may find storage totes of encapsulated or slabbed coins. Updated: April 20,
