Can you make money on vr game development

can you make money on vr game development

You can find it here. Even the most experienced developers rely heavily on research to bring the latest technology to bear on e given project. Skip to content. These add functionality that cannot be incorporated into Cardboard applications. But again, from my experience, if this is the case, make a clear agreement of what will be the expected investment of the other entity, and how many shares of the company the financing partner will take. development timeline

Discussion in ‘ VR ‘ started by protopopOct 24, Search Unity. Log in Create a Unity ID. Unity Forum. Forums Quick Links. Can I create developmentt VR game on Mac? Joined: May 19, Posts: 1,

The Virtual Room Ad:

can you make money on vr game development
Virtual reality is not yet profitable, he says, and developers should have the right to take any help they can get. The reality is these developers made these deals because it is the only way their games could come out. Some Vive owners are understandably bummed out by the fact that new indie VR games like Superhot VR are only available on Oculus for a period of time. We decided not to because the money available would just help cover costs. The amount of money was not going to make anyone wealthy. Frankly, I applaud Oculus for fronting up and giving real money out with really very little expectations in return other than some timed-exclusivity. Without this subsidization there is no way a studio can break even, let alone make a profit.

On programming in game development

The only way you have to earn money now is to have an investment. To help you plan your budget, we’ve written our article. It debelopment a constant work in progress. In general, virtual reality application development takes from a month to several years. Someone may tell you: you find an investor. They can pick up a coffee cup, and a menu pops up, and so on. Of course, this version of payment developmwnt its drawbacks. Controller integration.
