Did titanic or avatar make more money

did titanic or avatar make more money

Lewis Milestone said that in between Hughes experimented with shooting it in color as well. Steven Spielberg is the most represented director on the chart with six films to his credit, occupying the top spot in , , , , and The Washington Post. From Russia with Love. Boom and Bust: American Cinema in the s. Licence to thrill: a cultural history of the James Bond films. The Ten Commandments

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9. The Exorcist (1973)

did titanic or avatar make more money
What is the most popular film? Avatar has grossed the most money in the UK, but what happens when you adjust the box-office rankings to allow for inflation, population and changing habits, asks Michael Blastland in his regular Go Figure column. To which you may roll your eyes and say: «Yeah, yeah, but what about rising ticket prices? As cinema admission has become more expensive, so films are bound to take more money through the tills. Ching, ching!

10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

What is the most popular film? Avatar has grossed the most money in the UK, but what happens when you adjust the box-office rankings to allow for inflation, population and changing habits, asks Michael Blastland in his regular Go Figure column. To which you may roll your eyes and say: «Yeah, yeah, but what about rising ticket prices? As cinema admission has become more expensive, svatar films are bound to take more money through the tills.

Ching, ching! The Film Council has produced a top 15 by box office receipts, and another adjusted for inflation. Does Avatar still rule? Read on and find. But there’s moeny to think about, or there should be.

Is it a surprise that the nation spent more to see Mamma Mia released than Jaws when there were five million more people in the UK? You don’t have to answer that question. But you see monet principle. We need to adjust for population change.

How much was the popularity of cinema affected by newsreels during the war? And what about people having more cash than in ? Does that mean they are able to visit the cinema more often? And should we also adjust tktanic national income per head? OK, we can do that. Wvatar can now be revealed. Here is the Go-Figure Top Film Shuffler to show the supposed Top 15, the real Top 15, the really-real Top 15, arguably the most realistic really-real Top 15, and.

The big risers on the new lists are E. The big fall is Mamma Mia. The final list is perhaps the most interesting. It is an attempt to say «How much would this film have taken at the box office if cinema-going habits then were the same overall as now?

So it tries ma,e take account of trends generally and did titanic or avatar make more money another way of adjusting for income and population, but also other factors: how much was the popularity of cinema affected by newsreels during the war, the lack of other cheap entertainment, the advent of videos, DVDs or multiplexes? The kr below illustrates the highs and lows of the silver screen’s popularity. On this measure, E. If you imagine that it was as healthy then as it is now and all films benefited proportionately, E.

There are oodles of mobey with this avattar as with them all. But how would you do it? Let us know, using the form at the bottom of the page. I’m resisting the temptation to make the figures for each film taste-adjusted, allowing for the fact that some were unequivocally so rubbish that they have to be treated avvatar a statistical anomaly, or such genius as to demand inclusion.

With this adjustment, the best film ever is avatzr Alvin and the Chipmunks. No seriously, a classic.

Oh, all right then, how about Jean-Luc Godard’s Breathless? Whaddyamean pretentious? Simple attendance numbers for individual films are, surprisingly, not available in the Film Council stats. The British Film Institute once estimated attendance for individual films back to the war, and placed Gone with the Wind on top with 35 million.

But is morw a valid comparison? The full BFI moneyy chart was compiled inbefore Avatar’s release. A quick note on sources: The first two lists use numbers from the UK Film Council’s bumper online film stats yearbook. They contain an oddity. The Film Council counted only until February for the unadjusted number, but added sales since then for the inflation-adjusted number. Not sure why. But since all the figures in the first two lists are from the Film Council, I decided not to change.

This ratio is a stab in the dark and other assumptions could be valid. Another problem is that there’s little good data before the s. We also only list films that appear in the two top 20s avvatar together by the Film Council. Some others since might have crept in on the subsequent adjustments — though not many and not far — but they’re not shown. I’d be more interested in a survey of people’s favourite films than a statistic of box office takings, as box office takings don’t necessarily show popularity.

We’ve all been to a hyped film and not liked it as much as another less hyped film — some films aren’t worth owning. Perhaps the ritanic could also be stratified by advents of cinema technology or genre. It seems to me that many of the films in the final 15 could be popular at the box office because they were the the first to do something relatively well Avatar in 3D — what were the 2D or DVD sales like?

There’s never going to be an accurate, definitive answer. What about adding in those shown on TV and how many viewers watched them, including repeats. If that were the mord you’d probably get the Carry on Films in the ten most popular. They are re-running them again this week. Most popular is always going to be hard to define, but at least it makes for good «arguments» at work and in the pub. Even today more people in Britain have seen clips from this film than have seen clips from any other film.

What if you based your figures on how many people had seen each film? Get a random sample of maybe 10, people and ask them to tick whether or not they have seen a certain film, not give an opinion of it, just if they’ve seen it. Then calculate the number of years it has been possible for them to have seen that film, so if the moee was out after they were born, how many years it has mre out, if it was before they were born, just their lifetime, and weight their answer based on the time.

That will give you a pretty accurate measure of the most popular films. I think there monej a limit titanci things you can try and dic into account. Taking into account seat prices rather than inflation is useful but beyond that there are just too many factors. Such as: Other popular films out at the avaatar Introduction of cinema cards? Other media pulling people away from the cinema?

I would have thought that popularity titznic also be measured in the long term. Titanic or Avatar might have been mega popular when released, but will we still be watching them in 20 years’ time? Your question is «Which film is the most popular? I understand your wish to base your top fifteen upon solid reliable data, however to produce a more definitive result you should take into consideration the factors of DVD sales and rentals as.

I usually go to the cinema about twice a month but I have never seen Avatar, neither has my sister who also likes mire go and tjtanic entertained regularly. We have both seen Mama Mia at the flicks, rented the DVD and now we each have our own copy we live 60 miles apart. No, but it does make them more popular, especially in the 21st Century.

Of course, next week that could all change, depending upon taste and what is being released. If you dif to get really picky, how about adjusting the list according to how much inflation-adjusted money was spent on making these films, the studio’s advertising budget for each movie, and whether there were any promotional gifts or merchandise for it at McDonalds?!

The fairest way to do this would be to divide the actual UK box office takings by the average ticket price of the time. That would give you bums on seats figures. I would be willing to bet that not one of the films in your top 15 calculation would make the top 20, which would be dominated by films from the era. Asking people to say whether they have seen a list of films probably tiitanic give you the most reliable stats either — It’s been proven before that people will say yes to supposedly worthy films so as not to look uncultured, younger canvasees will say yes to explicitly violent-sounding movies to appear worldy, and then there are those of us who will swear that they’ve never seen a film before, then get halfway through watching it before the realisation kicks in Perhaps DVD ownership stats would avagar a better indicator as Rid says?

I’ve bought Blade Runner monry 5 different editions myself, but was too young to see it during its original theatrical run The other things that aren’t mentioned is that most cinemas then were one unit, not twelve orr with interlock capability.

Gone with Wind would have been shown in a single unit, with probably 1, seats, on two levels as most cinemas were. The «twins» and «triples» didn’t start to arrive until the late ‘. The Multis in the late nore.

You can manipulate anything with stats, until you get the answer want. Adjusting for cinema attendance is dodgy, because good films boost attendance. A great film released during a sate of good films remains a did titanic or avatar make more money film. If attendance is low, maybe its because miney films on offer are poor. However, the sub-story of the list is that popular cinema is entertainment not art and so maybe films do well when the public crave entertainment, irrespective of merit.

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Retrieved January 31, Central Intelligence Agency. Bahrain [7]. Retrieved June 17, Archived from the original on July 24, For The Fellowship of the Ringit was January 1, Titanic []. When a film is highly exploitable as a commercial property, its ancillary revenues can dwarf its income from direct film sales.
