How much money did the clinton foundation make

how much money did the clinton foundation make

John Lewis. Archived from the original on June 1, On February 18, , The Washington Post reported that, «the foundation has won accolades from philanthropy experts and has drawn bipartisan support, with members of the George W. Retrieved January 27,

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Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely criticized for corruption and the foundatoon of journalists. For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity. But now, as Mrs. With Mrs. Clinton facing accusations of favoritism toward Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state, former President Bill How much money did the clinton foundation make told foundation employees on Thursday that the organization would no longer accept foreign or corporate donations should Mrs. Clinton win in November. But while the move could avoid the awkwardness of Mr.

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how much money did the clinton foundation make
Now that the Clinton’s can no longer run for high Office will they still earn record speaking fees and receive Million Dollar Birthday payouts from foreign countries? Yeah it will be interesting to see if the Clinton Foundation donations continue on as usual or drops like a rock now that no political influence can be bought. If Clinton loses her security clearances which are invalid anyway since she currently has no «need to know» status then she has nothing to sell except her speeches. Okay, I guess she could make a good Mob Lawyer or represent rapists. There should be a lot of money in that.

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Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely criticized for corruption and the murder of journalists. For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity.

But now, as Mrs. With Mrs. Clinton facing accusations of favoritism toward Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state, former President Bill Clinton told foundation employees on Thursday that the organization would no longer accept foreign or corporate donations should Mrs.

Clinton win in November. But while the move could avoid the awkwardness of Mr. The Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions of dollars from countries that the State Department — before, during and after Mrs.

Saudi Arabia has been a particularly generous benefactor. Donations are typically reported in broad ranges, not specific amounts. Saudi Arabia also presents Washington with a complex diplomatic relationship full of strain.

The kingdom is noney as a bulwark to deter Iranian adventurism across the region and has maake a partner in the fight against terrorism across the Persian Gulf and monwy Middle East. Saudi officials deny any links to terrorism groups, but critics point to Saudi charities that fund organizations suspected of ties to militant cells. Brian Fallon, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said the Clintons and the foundation had always been careful about donors.

Trump, could face his own complications if he becomes president, with investments abroad and hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate debt — financial positions that could be affected by moves he makes in the White House. And on Friday, Paul Manafort resigned as chairman of the Trump campaign, in part because of reports about his lucrative consulting work on behalf of pro-Russian Ukrainian politicians.

Still, Mr. Trump has seized on emails released over the past several weeks from Mrs. He has attacked her over an email chain that showed Douglas J. Band, an adviser to Mr.

Chagoury explained through a spokesman that he had simply wanted to provide insights on elections in Lebanon. Some emails and other records described donors seeking and in some cases obtaining meetings with State Department officials. None showed Mrs. Clinton making decisions in favor of any contributors, but her allies foundafion that additional emails might come out and provide more fodder for Mr.

Craig Minassian, a spokesman for the foundation, said the decision to forgo corporate and foreign money had nothing to do with the emails. The foundation will continue to raise money from American individuals and charities. But Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watcha conservative group that has sued to obtain records from Mrs. Fitton said. And in an hhow year in which a majority of Americans say they do not trust Mrs. Clinton, even some allies questioned why the foundation had not reined in foreign donations sooner, or ended them immediately.

A Bloomberg poll in June showed that 72 percent of voters said it bothered them either a lot or a little that the Clinton Foundation took money from foreign countries while Mrs.

Clinton was secretary of state. Clinton should completely step down from the foundation, while 60 percent said he should be able to continue working with the foundation if his wife became president. Clinton won. Edward G. Rendell, a former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, said the foundation should be disbanded if Mrs.

Clinton wins, and he added that it would make sense for the charity to stop taking foreign donations immediately. Minassian said ending foreign fund-raising before other sources of money could be found, and without knowing who will win the election, could needlessly gut programs that help provide, for instance, H. Clinton joined when she left the State Department and stepped down in before beginning her campaign.

Its work covers countries, helping fund more than 3, projects. Having a former president at the helm proved particularly productive, with foreign leaders and business people opening their doors — and their wallets — to the preternaturally sociable Mr. Magaziner, who was a White House aide involved in Mrs.

In Decembershortly before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state, Mr. Clinton released a list of more thandonors to defuse speculation about conflicts. Soon after, Mrs. The Obama White House had particularly disliked the gatherings of world leaders, academics and business people, called the Clinton Global Initiative, that the foundation was holding overseas. The foundation limited the conferences to domestic locations while Mrs. On Thursday, Mr. One of the attendees at these conferences speaks to die stickiness of some donor relationships.

Monet has lent his private plane to the Clintons and traveled to Los Angeles in to attend Mr. Between September and NovemberCid E. Schoen, a former political consultant for Mr. Clinton, arranged about a dozen meetings with State Department officials on behalf of or with Mr. Pinchuk to discuss the continuing political crisis in Ukraine, according to reports Mr.

Schoen filed as a registered lobbyist. A previously undisclosed email obtained by Citizens United, the conservative advocacy group, through public records lawsuits shows the name of Mr. Earlier inAmbassador John F. Tefft wrote to Mrs. In July how much money did the clinton foundation make, the Commerce Department began investigating complaints that Ukraine — and by extension Mr.

A representative for Mr. Pinchuk said the investigation had nothing to do with the State Department, had started after Mrs. He founration that at least other people had attended the dinner party at Mrs. Pinchuk had spoken briefly about democracy in Ukraine. A deal involving the sale of American uranium holdings to a Russian state-owned enterprise was another example of the foundation intersecting with Mrs.

Her State Department was among the agencies that signed off on the deal, which involved major Clinton charitable backers from Canada. There was no evidence that Foundattion.

Clinton had exerted influence over the deal, but the timing of the transaction and the donations raised questions about whether the donors had received favorable handling.

Even if Mr. And Chelsea Clinton, who is its vice chairwoman, would continue her leadership role. Considering the scale and scope of the foundation, Mr. On the Trail: The Week of Aug.

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Read Next Chris Watts confessed to dumping bodies in a ‘freakin’ oil That comes to Preceding Barack Obama ‘s nomination of Hillary Clinton as United States Secretary of StateBill Clinton agreed to accept a number of conditions and restrictions regarding his ongoing activities and fundraising efforts for the Clinton Presidential Center and the Clinton Global Initiative. Retrieved October 2, Retrieved September 21, Retrieved September 14, The foundation has vigorously and repeatedly denied hoq wrongdoing. The cyber security breach has been described as sharing similarities with cyberattacks that targeted other institutions, such as the Democratic National Committee. Archived from the original on April 14,
