How much money did dick cheney make from war

how much money did dick cheney make from war

I mean, Halliburton. It reported in June that the Halliburton subsidiary had been the only company «in a position to provide the services within the required time. It often indicates a user profile. We don’t want advertising dollars. Doctors said that Cheney had not experienced any recurrence of atrial fibrillation and that his special pacemaker had neither detected nor treated any arrhythmia. July 2, Retrieved September 8,

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AP In the wake of a war of words where former Vice President Dick Cheney expressed a concern there’s an «increasing strain of isolationism» among the Republicans considering entering the presidential race, Mother Jones’ David Corn unearthed vintage footage of one of the likely GOP White House hopefuls, Sen. Rand Paul, accusing Cheney of supporting the Iraq War to make money. In the clip, which was filmed in shortly before Paul announced his Senate campaign, Paul said Cheney initially thought invading Iraq would be hiw bad idea, but changed his mind after he became CEO of Halliburton in and was in a position to profit from cheneyy contracts. Paul began by saying there was a «great YouTube of Dick Cheney in » where he bow being against a potential invasion of Iraq. He goes on and on for five minutes—Dick Cheney saying it would be a bad idea,» Paul said. Dick Cheney then goes to work for Halliburton.

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how much money did dick cheney make from war
He has been cited as the most powerful vice president in American history. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska , and grew up in Casper, Wyoming. He began his political career as an intern for Congressman William A. Steiger , eventually working his way into the White House during the Nixon and Ford administrations. He served as White House chief of staff from to

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He has been cited as the most powerful vice president in American history. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraskaand grew up in Casper, Wyoming. He began his political mae as an intern for Congressman William A. Steigereventually working his way into the White House during the Nixon and Ford administrations. He served as White House chief of staff from to InCheney was elected to the U. House of Representatives. He represented Wyoming’s at-large congressional district from tobriefly serving as House minority whip in Cheney was selected to be the secretary of defense during the presidency of George H.

Bushholding mmuch position for dar majority of Bush’s term from makf Bush as his running mate in the Presidential election.

During Cheney’s tenure as Vice Hw, he played a leading behind-the-scenes role in the George W. Bush administration ‘s response to the Muuch 11 attacks and coordination of the Global War on Terrorism.

He was an early proponent of invading Iraq and defender of the Administration’s anti-terrorism record. He became at odds with President Bush’s position against same-sex mone in hlw He is of predominantly English, as well as WelshIrish, and Mney Huguenot ancestry; Cheney’s 8th great-grandfather, William Cheney, immigrated from England to Dir in the 17th century.

Truman and Barack Obama ; the three share a common ancestor in Froj Duvalla Huguenot who fled from France to England in the 17th century and later settled in Maryland. Department of Agriculture and his mother was a fro star in the cbeney [15] Cheney was one of three children. He attended Yale Universitybut by his own account had problems adjusting to the college, and dropped. Bradford Westerfieldwhom Cheney repeatedly credited with having helped to shape his approach to foreign policy.

He subsequently started, but did not finish, doctoral studies at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. He was arrested for DWI again the following year. I was headed down a bad wxr if I continued on that course. Inhe married Lynne Vincenthis high school sweetheart, whom he had met at age Dod Cheney became eligible for the draftduring the Vietnam Warhe applied for and received five draft deferments.

Wilson interviewed Cheney as the next Secretary of Defense ; when asked about his deferments, Cheney reportedly said, «I had other priorities in the ’60s than hhow service. Upon graduation, Cheney was eligible for the draft, but at the time, the Selective Service System was not inducting married men. In January mnoey, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft. In Cheney dropped out of the ddid program at the University of Wisconsin to work as staff aide for Gov.

Warren Knowles. In Cheney was awarded an American Political Science Association congressional fellowship and moved to Washington. Cheney’s political career began inas an intern for Congressman William A. Steiger during the Richard Nixon Administration. He then joined the staff of Donald Rumsfeldwho was then Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity from to As deputy assistant, Cheney suggested several options in a memo to Rumsfeld, including use of the US Justice Departmentthat the Ford administration could use to limit damage from an article, published by The New York Timesin which investigative reporter Seymour Hersh reported that Navy submarines had tapped into Soviet undersea communications as part of a highly classified program, Operation Ivy Bells.

InCheney was xheney to represent Wyoming in the U. Cheney was re-elected five times, serving until Inhe was elected Chairman of the House Republican Conference. The following year, he was elected House Minority Whip. Senator John G.

Towerwhose nomination how much money did dick cheney make from war been rejected by the U. Senate in March He voted against the creation of the U. Department of Educationciting his concern over budget deficits and expansion of the federal government, and claiming that the Department was an encroachment on states’ rights.

Cheney initially voted in against establishing a national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. After the resignation of James G. Watt as Interior Secretary inCheney was a top candidate to how much money did dick cheney make from war him, but Reagan appointed William Clark instead. Inafter President Ronald Reagan vetoed a bill to impose economic sanctions on South Africa for its policy of chsneyCheney was one of 83 Representatives to vote against overriding Reagan’s veto.

InCheney, along with Republicans and 31 Democrats, voted against a non-binding Congressional resolution calling on the South African government to release Nelson Mandela from prison, after the Democrats defeated qar amendments that would have required Mandela to renounce violence sponsored by the African National Congress ANC and requiring it to oust the communist faction from its leadership; the resolution was defeated.

Appearing on CNNCheney addressed criticism for this, saying he opposed the resolution because the ANC «at the time was viewed as a terrorist organization and had a number of interests that were fundamentally inimical to the United States.

The federal building in Caspera regional center of the fossil fuel industry, is named the Dick Cheney Federal Building.

Originally declining, Fromm. Congressman Barber Conable persuaded Cheney to join the moderate Republican Wednesday Group in order to move up the leadership ranks. He was elected Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee from to President George H. Bush nominated Cheney for the office of Secretary of Defense immediately after the U.

Senate failed to confirm John Tower for that position. Inhe was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bush. Cheney has said his time at the Pentagon was dic most rewarding period of his public service career, calling it «the one that stands.

Bush to accept the offer, he passed a painting in the private residence entitled The Peacemakers, which depicted President Lincoln, General Grant, and William Tecumseh Sherman. Cheney’s most immediate issue as Secretary of Defense was the Department of Defense budget. Cheney deemed it appropriate to cut the budget and diid the military, following the Reagan Administration ‘s peacetime defense buildup at the height of the Cold War.

In subsequent years under Cheney, the frpm and adopted budgets followed patterns similar to that of Early inhe unveiled a plan to reduce military strength by the mids to 1. Cheney’s defense budget was reduced fromomitting programs that Congress had directed the Department of Defense to buy weapons that warr did not want, and omitting unrequested reserve forces.

Over his four years as Secretary of Defense, Cheney downsized the military and his budgets showed negative real growth, despite pressures to acquire weapon systems advocated by Congress.

Total military personnel strength decreased by 19 percent, from about 2. Mufh publicly expressed concern that nations amke as IraqIranand North Koreacould acquire nuclear components after the collapse of the Soviet Union in Cheney believed that NATO should remain the foundation of European security relationships and that it would remain important to the United States in the long term; he urged the alliance to lend more assistance to the new democracies in Eastern Europe.

Cheney’s views on NATO reflected his skepticism about prospects for peaceful social development in the former Mooney Bloc countries, where he saw a high potential for political uncertainty and instability. Cheney persuaded the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to allow bases for U. This was an important element of the success of the Gulf Waras well as a lightning-rod for Islamistssuch as Osama bin Ladenwho opposed having non-Muslim armies near their holy sites.

Using economic sanctions and political pressure, the United States mounted a campaign to drive Panamanian ruler General Manuel Antonio Noriega from power after he fell from favor. In October, Noriega suppressed a military coupbut in December, after soldiers of the Panamanian chebey killed a U. The stated reason for the invasion was to seize Noriega to face drug charges in mich United States, protect U.

Inthe Somali Civil War drew the world’s attention. In Augustthe United States began to provide humanitarian assistanceprimarily food, through a military airlift. At President Bush’s direction, Cheney dispatched the first of 26, U. Perryhad to contend with both the Bosnian and Somali issues. On August 1,Iraqi President Saddam Hussein sent the invading Iraqi forces into neighboring Kuwaita small petroleum-rich state long claimed by Iraq as part of its territory.

This invasion sparked the initiation of the Persian Gulf War and it brought worldwide condemnation. Central Commandheaded by General Norman Schwarzkopfbecause of its important petroleum reserves.

Cheney and Schwarzkopf oversaw planning for what would become a full-scale U. According to General Maoe PowellCheney «had become a glutton for information, with an appetite we could barely satisfy.

He spent hours in the National Froj Command Center peppering my staff with questions. The United Nations took action as well, passing a series of resolutions condemning Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait; the UN Security Council authorized «all means necessary» to eject Iraq from Kuwait, and demanded that the country withdraw its forces by January 15, Other nations, including Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Syriaand Egyptcontributed troops, and other allies, most notably Germany and Japan, agreed to provide financial support for the coalition effort, named Operation Desert Shield.

The first phase of Operation Desert Stormwhich began on January 17,was an air offensive to secure air superiority and attack Iraqi forces, targeting key Iraqi command and control centers, including the cities crom Baghdad and Basra. Cheney turned most other Department of Defense matters over to Deputy Secretary Atwood and briefed Congress during the air and ground phases of the war. After an air offensive of more than five weeks, UN Coalition forces launched the ground war on Chenet Within hours, Iraqi forces had been routed from Kuwait and Schwarzkopf reported that the basic objective—expelling Iraqi forces from Kuwait—had been met on February I worked for four of them and worked closely with a fifth—the Reagan years when I was part of the House leadership.

The best national security team I ever saw was that one. The least friction, the most cooperation, the highest degree of trust among the principals, especially. A total of U. Bush agreed that the fgom to end the ground war when they did was correct, but the debate persisted as Hussein remained in power ftom rebuilt his military forces. Cheney replied that occupying and attempting to take over the country would have been a «bad idea» and would have led to a «quagmire», explaining that:.

Because if we’d gone to Baghdad we would have been all. There wouldn’t have been anybody else with us.

Vice President Dick Cheney: Wrong Then, Wrong Now

In subsequent years under Cheney, the proposed and adopted budgets followed patterns similar to that of Because if we’d gone to Baghdad we would have been all. As the disclosure forms indicate, he held a large number of stock options, which means he had been given the right to purchase shares of the company for an old and, hopefully for the holder of the options lower price than the current market value. An ambulance standing by for the Vice President took Whittington to nearby Kingsville before he was flown by helicopter to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital. I was headed dud a bad road if I continued on that course. He is of predominantly English, as well as WelshIrish, and French Huguenot ancestry; Cheney’s 8th great-grandfather, William Cheney, immigrated from England to Massachusetts in the 17th century. Cheney has been compared to Darth Vadera characterization monwy by his critics, but which was later mooney humorously by Cheney himself as well as by members of his family and staff. On March 5, dickk, Cheney was treated for deep-vein thrombosis in his left leg at George Washington University Hospital after experiencing pain in his left calf. Doctors prescribed blood-thinning medication and allowed how much money did dick cheney make from war to return to work.
