How much money do professional gamers make

how much money do professional gamers make

Chances are, those who did so followed some or all of the following steps: They Chose to Specialize In One Game Players who’ve made it to the various eSports gaming circuits say the key was to find one prominent game they were good at and keep playing and grinding until they were beating all challengers. The biggest games for the team in terms of prize money are:. Gamers usually have their nickname in the gaming world. College Profiles We’ll help you find your true college match. The life of a pro gamer isn’t all fun and games, though. Ppd is an American player who has made his money from 77 tournaments. They make money when their teams win, and also from sponsorship by major companies, such as Intel or Coca-Cola.

Pro Gamer Money Facts

The money comes from prize money, salary, Twitch subscriptions, streaming ad revenue and sponsorships. All of the top 30 biggest prizewinners and most of makke top play Dota gwmers, though the players with highest salary are said to play Counterstrike. On average, players stand to make the most money from streaming ad revenue on YouTube, with many pro gamers earning more than half their annual income from that source. Next in order of pay comes sponsorship deals followed by Twitch subscriptions, with prize money bringing up the rear. The top line pro gamer money facts are shown in the list. The most pertinent of all is that anyone who thinks they can make an easy professioal as a pro gamer is in for a serious wakeup .

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how much money do professional gamers make
Ok i have done a bit of reaserch on this Whiteboy7thst makes about 80k a year, seananners and captainsparklez makes about k a year, Justin beiber makes k a year, while the average gammer whoe gets paid makes about k a year. I all depends on your subscriber based. I am partnered with youtue so i know how it works. Youg et paid based on OR you can do it with cool game play ex. Whiteboys 1st video was him getting a triple in World at War cod 4.

Education Requirements

The money comes from prize money, salary, Twitch subscriptions, streaming ad revenue professjonal sponsorships. All of the top 30 biggest prizewinners and makw of the top play Dota 2, though the players with highest salary are said to play Counterstrike.

On average, players stand to make the most money from streaming ad revenue on YouTube, with many pro gamers earning more than half their annual income from that source.

Next in order of pay comes sponsorship deals hod by Twitch subscriptions, with prize money bringing up the rear. The top line pro gamer money facts are shown in the list. The most pertinent of all is that anyone who thinks they can make an easy living as a pro gamer is in for a serious wakeup.

The odds of making it as a pro are about the same as those of getting struck by lightning or making it in the NBA. In fact a career seeker mpney have about a 5, times better chance of making it as a doctor as making it as a pro gamer. In fact there how much money do professional gamers make only about 2, pro gamers making a living at it.

Mych said, the small pool of highly-skilled elite players does make a fair bit of cash. Many gamers make thousands per month from Twitch subscriptions. Still others make a half million a year or gameds from YouTube ad revenue. Finally, growing sponsorship deals kuch yet another income source for pro gamers. See below the table for an analysis of how much money pro gamers actually make. The table below gives a rundown hwo the earnings sources available to pro gamers.

Exact dollar figures for how much a player earns from any of these sources depends heavily on the gamer. Someone playing in the top of all gamers naturally makes a lot more than someone ranked down around 1, For estimates about how much pro gamers make in each category, scroll down to the next section. The top pro gamers in the world make a lot of money.

The table below shows the breakdown for professional video game earnings. The prize money how much money do professional gamers make in the table above is an average of all prize money earned by the top gamers from the site ESportsEarnings. Ad revenue is maybe the biggest shocker. The top gamer channels on Noney have an average of one billion views.

Of course not every gamer earns exactly this much money from exactly these five sources. The info in the table is intended to give a fairly accurate ballpark figure of how much a top gamer earns.

For estimates of how much money the top gamers earn, see the sections. Pro gamer miney for the top players in the world is shown in the table. Mkch to data gamer ESportsEarnings. Anyone below that 2, mark is likely not earning a healthy living as a pro gamer. The table below shows the top ten players earning the most pro gamer money in terms of prize winnings. The figures vamers are career totals. Lest we deceive readers into thinking Dota 2 is where all the money is, remember that the table shows only prize money.

The table below shows total tournament payouts for the games with the top five prize purses. Other sources of pro gamer money include salary, ad revenue, Twitch subscriptions and sponsorships.

Ad revenue can be a mammoth pay source for a pro gamer. The more significant fact here is that with worldwide interest in pro gaming and eSports now eclipsing interest in pro sports like football and baseball, the sponsor dollars are sure to follow. One last pro gamer money fact of interest is that the world of gamer scholarships is growing.

Collegiate eSports scholarships are springing up at dozens of universities. Trending Now Week Month. Tom Gerencer Feb 7,

The Glamorous Life of a Pro Gamer

Where Does Pro Gamer Money Come From?

Zeng, Hongda. Some teams even offer their players perks like health insurance and retirement plans. Like a professional golfer who gets off the practice range and starts teeing it up against his peers for real, gamfrs tournaments will allow you to test your skills among premier players. Biotech Maven. College Profiles We’ll help you find your true college match. Real Mzke Pro. Save my name, email, and website in this browser profedsional the next time I comment. For estimates about how much pro gamers make in each category, scroll down to the next section. Bond Funds. These players practice, then watch replays of their own game play so that they can analyze the strategies. Lukas Moneyy. Cheaper, faster internet access, and the advent of free-to-play games, like League of Legends, has also greatly increased interest in video games in general, and competitive gaming, in particular. As player participation and spectator interest continues to increase, the concept has attracted major sponsorship partners and financial backers. Clement Ivanov. This list of top-earning gamers has shown 2 major points.
